Dear Saltsburg Friends:
It is two weeks and a good many miles since I last wrote you. A bit of excess fatigue last weekend precluded any writing. Added to that is a bit of discouragement. Not one soul in Saltsburg has made any comment. They could say, "Your stuff is corny, but we're glad to hear from you." Your pleasure is my only compensation. I'll take one more chance, feeling confident that you will be glad to hear about our visit with James R. Lytle in Bartow, Fla. We bade him good-bye this noon, after a heartsome two day visit. Although he has suffered great anxiety and distress over his wife's stroke early last spring - and subsequently helplessness - in a rest home 15 miles away - he maintains trust in God. He is serene in the knowledge that "it is well with his soul," as it is with Emma's soul. He was my teacher in a Conemaugh Township country school fifty-nine years ago. But the teaching did not end there. All through the "BY-WAYS" years he kept sending inspiring material - from books, magazines, and personal experience. At 89, he is still very spry, with an alert mind, a loving heart, and a keen interest in humanity. At his suggestion, we three drove to Lakeland - to his Wife's "Restorium" - and Virgil and I furnished her some music with the cello and little electric organ. Emma and her room-mate were most appreciative. Enroute, we had received radio news of our President's tragic death. It was not easy to go through with our commitment. In the evening we were "booked" to play in the "Senior Citizens" section of the Polk County Hospital. So, with heavy hearts, we held an "In Memoriam" service.
I must close - to catch the last mail. With the lovely music of the carillon bells in the Singing Tower ringing in my ears, I say good-bye for another week.
Florence B. Taylor
General Delivery, Beaumont, Texas (Thru Dec. 7).
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