The little trailer jogs along -
Five thousand miles, intact and strong.
Five days in Washington, D.C.,
With wondrous, stirring things to see;
Monticello: charming home
Of our great Thomas Jefferson.
In Richmond, which great patriots drew,
We sat in Patrick Henry's pew!
Williamsburg - a must for all,
Americans, both big and small,
To learn how men of that great age
Provided Freedom's heritage.
Jamestown: crude huts tell the story
Of our first English settlers' glory.
Yorktown - cannon-scenes replete,
To show Cornwallis' defeat.
Norfolk - and Navy shipyards vast;
Old Glory flies from every mast.
At Suffolk storehouse made brief stay,
Where twelve fat tons of peanuts lay.
Down through peanut, cotton fields
And acres that tobacco yields.
Skipped west to Raleigh and look
At Capitol; got Talking books.
A courtesy to all the Blind, -
Ambrosia for the active mind.
In Charleston: wealth - and squalor stark;
'Twas there we met the great Mark Clark,
President of the Citadel;
Two thousand lads revere him well.
Savannah - ocean and river bounded,
Where organized "Girl Scouts" was founded.
In hospitals along the way
We tried to give, in some small way,
With auto harp and Virgil's 'cello,
A little cheer to child or fellow -
Not so lucky now as we -
A bit of home-made melody
Jacksonville - and warmth serene;
Lovely, quaint. St. Augustine.
Marineland: fish and turtles rare;
Trained porpoises leap thru the air.
Down the East coast, all the way,
Dear old friends enrich our stay.
Of all the states, north, east, south, west
For trailerites Fort Myers is best.
Sarasota: culture town -
And friend bereft, who scorns to frown.
Bartow - and special kindness felt;
Ocala - through the citrus belt.
Tallahassee: college city;
Dinky capitol, - a pity!
Pensacola - fishing boats;
An ancient junk-man driving goats,
Mobile Bay - then New Orleans:
Modern rush - and quaint French scenes.
We parked the trailer and the flivver;
Took a ride on Old Man River.
Sugar cane trucks by the dozens;
Beaumont, Texas: dear, kind cousins.
Raced through hills and Texas prairie
To Austin - and my sister Mary.
Pennsylvania cousins flew -
To be with us the Christmas through.
Did we wrap with ribbons red?
No! We helped bake cakes instead.
Were we sparkling, bright and gay?
We were washing pans all day.
Did we go a caroling?
Yes, for orphans we did sing.
Once again we read the story
Of the Christ Child and the glory
That came down from Heaven to earth
On the night of Jesus' birth.
May the Christmas spirit dear
Stay with us in this new year.
Florence B. Taylor