Greetings, Friends, from the capital of our nation!
It is indeed a thrill to be here. So far no answer on Almira Lytle's phone. I'm afraid she's on vacation too - for which I'm both glad and sorry - and terribly disappointed. After yesterday's trip, Virgil and I are sold on the bus as a mode of travel. We whizzed down here in 10 hours; from Pittsburgh on, I had a front seat, and watched one beautiful panorama after another, unfold before my eyes. What a beautiful state is Pennsylvania! And Maryland, with its tidy farms. My seatmate was a Mrs. Five-by-five - a Hungarian woman of 71, who seemed to have no interest beyond eating and smoking her funny little pipe. This "pipe" holds a cigarette in a vertical position, like a miniature white smoke-stack. In sharp contrast was the attractive, well-groomed business woman across the aisle, who had been visiting her sister in Pittsburgh. She is a lovely person - with wondrous appreciation of God's goodness and limitless power. Here were these two women - opposite as the poles; yet each has problems and heartaches. Sisters under the skin.
Now Virgil and I are going to church in the beautiful Washington Cathedral - as is his wish. I must send this little prelude on its way. But won't I have a volume for next week!
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 9/27/51 - New York City - The Royalton Hotel, New York City
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