My dear Friends:
Before Virgil and I take the boat-ride up the Hudson River, let us take a quick preview of the things you will see and experience by proxy - in the subsequent articles. First and foremost on the list is Almira Lytle, whose hospitality is royal. Then, under her guidance, the National Gallery of Art - the most beautiful building, I believe, in Washington; also the Smithsonian Insitute, whose greatest relic is the immense, threadbare Star Spangled Banner which waved over Fort McHenry, and inspired Francis Scott Key's immortal song. We revisited the Capitol, Congressional Library, Supreme Court, and the Washington Monument. Some new items of interest in each. Then we visited the Bureau of Engineering and Printing; saw paper currency being made - at the rate of ($26,000,000) twenty-six million dollars' worth a day. We were charmed with Philadelphia. There, for the first time, we laid eyes on the great Liberty Bell and the historic Independence Hall, which houses it. Carpenter's Hall, the Betsy Ross house, Christ Church, Art Museum, etc. One whole afternoon on a trip to Valley Forge, with expert guide. We went all through the factory of the Philadelphia Carpet Co. - by whom Virgil is employed - and saw how rugs are made.
On our own, we visited the Mint - by far the largest in the U.S. "No Visitors allowed." But we had come quite a way - and Mr. Walker's courtesy note was the Open Sesame to the Exhibition Room and much information. In New York, the incomparable Metropolitan Art Museum, Radio City, a beautiful play at the Booth Theatre, "Lace on Her Petticoat." And now - at 11:20 p.m. - I can record a whole day's boat ride up and down the Hudson River. Later on I will try to share the interesting side lights with you. Would that I had the power to carry it all to you.
Most Sincerely,
Florence B. Taylor
1711 Preyer Rd.,
Cleveland Hts., 18 O.