The greatest day in history. And how does the world meet it? With prayer. As the Allied forces cross into Europe at this momentous hour, it seems as if the whole peace-loving world has taken a great step forward spiritually. With all our mighty ships and planes we reach out for God's hand to guide and help us. "What does "D" stand for? The children ask. D stands for Day - The Day. And yet it stands for many portentous things. It stands for Decision Day - when our saviors decide to go all out for victory. It means Date with Death for thousands of our gallant lads, who had to scrap all their dreams for a personal share in this better world that we are going to have. D means Defeat for tyranny, and all the exponents of that outlawed regime. It means Deliverance for all those oppressed peoples of Europe. and may we constantly pray for Divine guidance in all that we do, to win the war, and make the peace. The knowledge that these thousands of young men - in the full flower of young manhood - have given their all, that they and their loved ones have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom - has humbled the rest of us. We ask only that we be worthy of them, and make a solemn covenant that we will keep the fires of freedom burning brightly. May we dedicate our lives to a lasting peace.***
Tonight - between news bulletins - I want to tell you about a man who has had a part beyond computation in the winning of the war. At the same time, his contribution to the cause of "peace on earth" can never be estimated. This is he whom I mistakingly called "the man who moves Heaven and earth." I could not then lay my hands on a March issue of the Reader's Digest, in which he is referred to as "Heaven and Earth Man." He doesn't quite move Heaven. And yet he does, too. With his great enthusiasm, his zeal for God's kingdom, his giving of all the wealth that he acquires from his amazing inventive genius, he does move Heaven a great deal nearer to this earth. He is Robert Gilmour Le Torneau, inventor and builder of earth-moving machines, whose latest product has giant jaws that can bite off 15,000,000 pounds of earth in one bite. I hope, if you have not already absorbed the story about him in the March Rotarian or the condensed story in Reader's Digest for March, that you will do so at once.
Now there has been a long interruption - with a big week-end, to prevent further writing. But I shall start next week's story about his visit here tonight (Sunday). Now, good-bye until next week.
Florence B. Taylor