Calling all patriots! Calling all patriots!
This is the voice of the young men of America, hurling their brave, but vulnerable young bodies against the mighty fortresses of Germany: "Buy all the bonds you can - and THEN BUY ONE MORE - to send us the tools to do this job as quickly as possible. We'll do the rest." Do you hear the chorus of youthful voices from all over the world? - no longer eager - for they are tired - calling. "Lend your money to Uncle Sam - and get this mess over with. We want to get home."
When you buy another War Bond
You have kicked a triple goal -
Speeded Vict'ry, saved your money,
Brought a new peace to your soul.
Looking back over the wonderful visit in Saltsburg, Indiana, and Apollo (all crowded into four and a half short days), I see that Virgil is refreshed and renewed. But - "Some people are never satisfied," as the saying goes. And that is the way with me. I keep thinking of the people that I did not get to see. The next time I go to Saltsburg I'm going to tell the family not to look for me back until I've seen everybody I want to see. But this does not mean that I am not truly grateful for the warm hospitality shown. To find the latch-string out, year in and year out, is indeed a heart-warming experience.
Now I must mail this out (Saturday evening.) I shall write some more tomorrow, to add to it. But I can no longer depend upon the Sunday evening mail reaching Saltsburg in time. Good-bye for now.
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 7/6/44 - Mr. Werner's Story