This poem was written for my beloved Sunday School Class in 1935. Published in Saltsburg Press.
Palm Sunday brings to mind that day
.........when Jesus, King of men
Made His triumphal entry into old
But not in kingly chariot with splendor
.........did He ride,
But on a lowly donkey's colt, with
.........children at His side.
Yet many people honored Him, and
.........spread their garments down,
And with palm branches strewed His
.........path - this King without a crown.
"Hosanna! Blessed is the one who
.........cometh in the name
Of God! Hosanna in the highest!" But
.........dear Jesus faced the shame
Of cruel cross - betrayed - denied; then
.........tortured by His foes
But, victor over shame and death, in
.........three days He arose
And still He comes! The Conquerer!
........."Hosanna!" may we sing,
For Christ, our Saviour, is here!
.........Hosanna to our King!
Florence B. Taylor
Cleveland, Ohio
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