Dear friends: This Sabbath afternoon my thoughts turn in happy retrospect to my visit in Saltsburg, where live, my husband's people say, the friendliest and most hospitable people they have ever met. Of course I quite agree with them, and swell with pride, for aren't Saltsburg people my people, and increasingly dear to my heart as the years go by? I had a beautiful time up there - the best vacation I have had since I left Saltsburg for Cleveland, twenty years ago. A sojourn like that - amongst staunch old friends, who have so much character, puts new starch in your spine and faith in your soul. Like the ministers, I am exceedingly fond of chicken (and Guinea and everything else that's good to eat) and did the boys and I revel in the delicious meals! I believe they also agree with me that the best cooks also live at or near Saltsburg. The boys in their city home have memories of green fields, grand haymows, horses to ride, creeks to wade in, trees to climb and the older boy even learned to milk! Cities were never meant for little boys. Through Mr. Walker's kind intercession, I have a pass to the Exposition again this year, but didn't really make use of it until we returned from Pennsylvania. Last year I stated, with enthusiasm, that the Expo was well worth the price of admission. Some people didn't agree with me. This year I'll do no boasting, but just tell you frankly, our impressions of it. Mrs. Nannie Nowry and I spent some time there on July 22, but the day was so hot we couldn't enjoy it to the full. The thought of "Winterland," a skating spectacle, enticed us. I was sure that would be one cool spot. But no! It was so hot up where we sat that it was hard to believe there was real ice on the stage below us. At any rate there are real skaters there - some of the finest in the country - besides a skating ballet and two comedians. The boys and I saw it last Monday - a cool day - and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Nannie and I were naturally attracted to a clever young salesman of "musical disks." I don't know what else to call them. You can imitate almost any reed or string instrument with them. But the man's clever imitations and clowning proved highly entertaining, and usually a large crowd is gathered 'round him. He is reaping a fortune. The boys and I went to see Tony Sarg's Marionettes. They are grand entertainment for children; and, judging from the full house for each show we attended, adults get a great kick out of them, too. We saw "Alice in Wonderland" and "Rip Van Winkle."
It is time for the last mail - so I must close abruptly. More next week. In the meantime, if any of you come to Cleveland and are looking for a real home to stay in rather than the hotels, I can direct you to the home of a friend of ours, who lives near here.
Sincerely yours,
Florence B. Taylor.
Next 7/28/38 - To Malinda J. Lytle on Her Eightieth Birthday