You envy the platform magician,
Who compresses twelve scarves in a hat,
Then draws forth a fluffy white bunny, -
But we can do better than that!
Try compressing the gadgets for living
From a big house or even a flat
To a dear little 15-foot trailer
I wonder -- could Thurston do that?
The trailer is hitched to the sturdy Bel Aire
The gas tank is full. So are hearts;
For it means leaving children - and
grandchildren too,
For warmer - but long-distance parts.
The headlights face southward -
To follow the sun.
Columbus our first destination
By route 42 - with the friendly landmarks
And Autumn's "Fine Arts" demonstration.
In Washington now on a limited lark,
Our trailer in Alexandria park.
We drive fifteen miles to pick up our mail;
But oh! it is worth it! Our loved don't fail.
In a modest delicatessen we sat
By Bob Abernathy (TV). Think of that!
But meeting and talking with him was mild
Compared to a letter from retarded dear child.
(A recent Cleveland pupil of mine;
Her brain may be hampered; her heart is divine).
Yesterday eased 'round George Washington's shrine;
Fifty bright, fluttering flags circling fine.
Visited Capitol; thrilled once again
At pictures and statues of heroic men.
The Senate in session, but our parked car, alas,
On limited time would not warrant a pass.
On Capitol grounds, then, whom should we meet
But the tamest of squirrels, begging something to eat.
Today to the White House. Tomorrow we'll find
In Congressional Library books for the Blind.
While children were scanning our trailer one day.
An itinerant bumble bee wended his way
Within our gay portals - and sat on my seat.
Unnoticed by me 'til I sat down to eat
He shot his wee arrow straight into the air;
It landed unerringly - you know where!
And now I must close - for the last mail is due.
Next week a cute gypsy tale.
And it is true!
Florence B. Taylor
A weird tale, indeed: I'm
about to unfold:
How a wee bit of silver was
changed into gold.
In our Alexandria huge trailer park
My Virgil went strolling.
('Twas long before dark).
Two "swarthy" young women
- with dear little girl -
Accosted him smiling, a tale to
"Good morning" said extrovert
woman, and smiled.
"This is the birthday - my dear
little child.
How would you like to give her
a gift?
She is three years today. Give
her wee heart a lift."
So Virgil - as gallant as they
ever come -
Reached into his pocket for
package of gum.
"Thank you, kind sir, but it
would be dandy
If you gave her money, to buy
her some candy."
So Virgil, now caught in the
"tender trap"
Reached once again - and thus
took the rap.
When he came home, like a dog
that was whipped.
He said, "Those were gypsies
and I have been gypped.
Next day I encountered these
women so bold,
The brazenest one had on
slippers of gold."
Florence B. Taylor
A is for Athens, Georgia, the home of a brand- new bride,
Whom we love - and her prince! Ensign, who at Naval Supply School reside.
A is Atlanta, also, where we took "Annie one day
To see world-famed Cyclorama, grim depiction of "blue and the Gray".
C is for Cleveland - Columbus: our starting point and our first stop;
The latter: the home of two loved ones; one widowed, one crushed in car flop.
D is for Danville, Virginia, the home of the Dan River dresses.
We got there, alas, Friday evening, - too late for grand tour it possesses.
D is also DeLand, the city of culture and beauty,
Where good friends grow exotic flowers, and give such in civic, church duty.
G is for Greenville, Carolina (the South one), with glorious view
Of mountains. A wonderful couple, who with kindness keep real rendezvous.
H is for Hendersonvilla for "villa" in strict-English); the state? North Carolina.
The scenery? Gorgeous. To live there
is dear friends' happy fate.
(to be continued)
Florence B. Taylor
Another week I must tell you of cities and
culture supreme;
But now I am full of Marineland - and creatures
that lives in the stream, -
Of porpoises, playful and clever, who play ball
and leap over the hurdles;
Who ring bells and sing songs a cappella,
'Til your nerves tingle and your blood curdles.
Two whales, newly shipped from the west coast,
are very bright pupils indeed;
The one had a "medical check-up" as prescribed
in a true medic's creed.
When the doctor inquired how his health is,
the whale had a "whale" of a line:
Such howling and moaning - complaining; next
moment; relaxed and sublime,
While "doctor", with stethoscope, listened to
heart-beat; then, with rubber mallet,
Tried "reflexes"; oh, what a splashing! His
report card marked "A" in my ballot.
Such fantastic turtles - sea urchins, and tiny
fish - purple and gold.
That Marineland is truly exotic, with all the
charm one place can hold.
Just one note on trailerite living: hospitality
has a revival;
At St. Augustine's Lazy J Ranch the hostess
greets each new arrival
With platter of piping hot biscuits, her wel-
come to tired, hungry souls.
You feel then that "God's in His Heaven; all's
well with" this world and its goals.
Florence B. Taylor
To friends and loved ones, big and small:
A Happy New Year to you all.
The little trailer jogs along -
Five thousand miles, intact and strong.
Five days in Washington, D.C.,
With wondrous, stirring things to see;
Monticello: charming home
Of our great Thomas Jefferson.
In Richmond, which great patriots drew,
We sat in Patrick Henry's pew!
Williamsburg - a must for all
Americans, both big and small,
To learn how men of that great age
Provided Freedom's heritage.
Jamestown: crude huts tell the story
Of our first English settlers' glory.
Yorktown - cannon-scenes replete,
To show Cornwallis' defeat.
Norfolk - and Navy shipyards vast;
Old Glory flies from every mast.
At Suffolk storehouse made brief stay,
Where twelve fat tons of peanuts lay.
Down through peanut, cotton fields
And acres that tobacco yields.
Skipped west to Raleigh and look
At Capitol; got Talking books.
A courtesy to all the Blind, -
Ambrosia for the active mind.
In Charleston: wealth - and squalor stark;
'Twas there we met the great Mark Clark,
President of the Citadel;
Two thousand lads revere him well.
Savannah - ocean and river bounded,
Where organized "Girl Scouts" was founded.
In hospitals along the way
We tried to give, in some small way,
With auto harp and Virgil's cello,
A little cheer to child or fellow -
Not so lucky now as we -
A bit of home made melody
Jacksonville - and warmth serene;
Lovely, quaint St. Augustine.
Marineland: fish and turtles rare;
Trained porpoises leap thru the air.
Down the east coast, all the way,
Dear old friends enrich our stay.
Of all the states, north, east, south, west
For trailerites Fort Myers is best.
Sarasota: culture town -
And friend bereft, who scorns to frown.
Bartow - and special kindness felt;
Ocala - through the citrus belt.
Tallahassee: college city;
Dinky capitol, - a pity!
Pensacola - fishing boats;
An ancient junk-man driving goats,
Mobile Bay - then New Orleans:
Modern rush - and quaint French scenes.
We parked the trailer and the flivver;
Took a ride on Old Man River.
Sugar cane trucks by the dozens;
Beaumont, Texas: dear, kind cousins.
Raced through hills and Texas prairie
To Austin - and my sister Mary.
Pennsylvania cousins flew -
To be with us the Christmas through.
Did we wrap with ribbons red?
No! We helped bake cakes instead.
Were we sparkling, bright and gay?
We were washing pans all day.
Did we go a caroling?
Yes, for orphans we did sing.
Once again we read the story
Of the Christ Child and the glory
That came down from Heaven to earth
On the night of Jesus' birth.
May the Christmas spirit dear
Stay with us in this new year.
Apologies to our Saltsburg friends, -
And if this rushing never ends,
I'll send you news of all the sights:
The mountain views - and new delights.
But trailering's no easy chore.
(To tell you all would be a bore).
So bear with me until next week,
When I will tell of friends and freak.
Florence B. Taylor
The highways of life are the roads to success -
Achievement - whatever one's ultimate goal;
But the by-ways of life are the little side paths
Where you gather hyacinths for the soul.
The highways today are the super freeways,
With speeds more than one mile a minute;
Oh, let's take the by-ways, - some little side roads -
With Nature untouched; revel in it.