Tall, well-knit - with military bearing;
A cultured mind (with cubby-hole for swearing), -
His short white hair stands up like low wheat stubble;
His keen blue eyes are kind - for those in trouble.
He loves his country with consuming passion,
He loves his work in that same zealous fashion.
His long, slim fingers work with magic skill,
To oust offending organs, cysts at will.
A fearless soul, he's not afraid to fight
On battlefield - or for the truth and right.
And yet so gallant, chivalrous, and kind;
His wealthy clients wait, while he must find
The time to take unhealthy tonsils out
Of twenty little throats; nor noised about
His charity. His matchless skill is free;
He hires the nurses; pays for every fee.
But he's so modest, he would scoff, berate
The friend or - patient - who would call him great.