"I only regret that I have but one life
To lose for my country," said Nathan Hale
As he mounted the platform to stand as a spy.
With devotion like this, no country can fail.
Imperishable and triumphant words?
Like a beacon light in a midnight sky,
Lead us on to love and fight for the Land
For which he was willing and glad to die.
Our boys cannot go to the bomb-shelling front,
Nor are they yet able to shoulder a gun;
But they have young lives - not to lose - but to give,
In hundreds of ways - yes, a thousand and one.
By investing in Victory Bonds for Defense;
By cooperation in every detail. -
By counting each sacrifice in its true light -
The giving of self. Such a gift cannot fail.
By following closely the news from the front,
Of heroes as brave as the ones long ago;
By building a reservoir, filled with the zeal
To cherish, protect our fair land from the foe.
Only one life - not to lose, but to give.
(He that giveth his life shall find it again).
Only in giving the best that they have
Can our boys - or any boys - be worthy men.