1 davenport; once overstuffed; now
slightly understuffed. -
Its color: mauve, in better days -
but now a mouse-y gray
1 large wing chair (without its legs),
once tufted; now a tuft
Of cotton eases out as if it wants
to get away.
1 glider spring, with coat of rust; 1
mattress overlapping.
1 auto seat with horsehair out - on
which a cat is napping.
1 little rug - of faded green; a fancy
burlap curtain
(priorities on burlap now; the sale of
this is certain).
1 mirror (cracked); one table (crate)
with drawer (that's minus handles).
2 home-made candle-holders (tin),
complete with tallow candles.
1 lonely Hut - deserted now - in
which big spiders lurk.
While mem'ry weaves a haunting spell.
The "gang" has gone to work.