Dear Friends,
How can a loquacious woman (and periphrastic writer) tell of a journey through the great New England states in three letters of 500 words each? How can I make you want to go, too? Can't do it. I'll just say, "Go!" Being forced to skip several thousand words on the human interest side (Clyde Lemon's foibles, etc.), I'll just give you the highlights: First of all, we recommend the Wellsboro Motor Court of Wellsboro, Pa., as the finest for the money. Deluxe and deflated in price. To continue on through New York and Vermont: The great state of New York is endowed with gorgeous scenery of every description; the amazing canyon and waterfalls of Watkins Glen; the beautiful finger lakes; the vast grape vineyards; the foot-hills; and then the mountains richly dressed in greenery, with the tall pines outlined against the sky; Whiteface Mountain, just north of Lake Placid, from whose peak you can see Montreal on a clear day; the famous Catskills; the placid, historic Hudson River with its picturesque Palisades; et cetera, et cetera, etc. - as the King keeps repeating in the incomparable musical comedy, "The King and I."
The people of Vermont seem to take on the characteristic of their rock-ribbed and granite-laden piece of this earth. As we were escorted through the Capitol (at Montpelier), we were impressed by our guide's emphasis on "character," "integrity," "fearlessness." Artistic murals, of historic or legendary significance grace the walls of the senate chamber and other large rooms. The building, of course, is of Barre granite; the dome is covered with gold leaf. We moved on to Barre, to explore the world's largest granite quarry. (To be continued)
Florence B. Taylor