This letter is but a brief and fond farewell - to Saltsburg and the friends so dear. This is Friday morning - and Dianne and I are all packed - ready to plow through the snow to Cleveland. This is the first time we have visited for any length of time during the Lenten season. In spite of the flu - which left Ina so weak and was getting into its deadly work at Merle Deemer's home (Marjorie and Johnnie the victims), this has been a rich experience. The Saltsburg Presbyterian Church carries a true spirit of reverence - its members seeking earnestly to learn God's will. Rev. Nicholson preached such a fine sermon last Sunday - on the sins that caused Jesus' crucifixion - the same sins that are in evidence today.
But I must tell you briefly of Christianity at work here in Marion Center. First of all, my dear friend, Mary Hopkins Pollock, and her husband, Clark, took in a Korean boy last summer. He is a fine Christian boy, Kyung Ho Lee, who wants to learn up-to-date farming, and carry this knowledge back to his people. I must write of him at length later. Then, in September, Mary took to her heart and home an invalid niece, whose step-mother wearied of caring for her. I tell you - this day-by-day ministering to the partially helpless - over a long period of time - is a real test of the Christian spirit. This household has family worship - every night - every day in the year. And you can't fail to see the results. Never a harsh word - never a mean thought in evidence - just a wonderful home - where they practice the presence of God. Now Dianne and I must start northwestward. But we carry with us such happy memories - and certainly new vitamins for the soul.
Faithfully yours,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 9/6/51 - Planning a trip to the East. Job at Info Desk, Hotel Cleveland
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