Greetings, my friends, in this new year!
We cannot, with an air of abandon, say "Happy New Year"! For it cannot possibly be happy for us so long as our boys are fighting, freezing, bleeding and dying in Korea. We can only gird ourselves for the fight, too, putting on the whole armor of God. As Paul says again, "Let us ... be sober, putting on the breast-plate of faith and love." But again, "faith without works is dead." So we must work and pray - and deny ourselves; give our pint of blood as often as we can; fight the petty politics in Washington with every weapon in our reach; keep in tune with the Infinite, and He will tell us what to do.
Today I can send you but this brief message, for we are in the process of moving. Dr. Phillips' beloved and only sister is coming from Jamaica on the 15th for a prolonged visit. Her son, the charming, but unpredictable, John, is attending Western Reserve Academy at Hudson, O. His mother loves cold and snow. She should have been here in late November! Two days after the gentle hint for evacuation we found a cozy 4-room apartment overlooking a park. We are quite excited about it. The new address, effective Jan. 13, is 1711 Preyer Rd., Cleveland Hts. 18. May I take this opportunity to thank you wonderful readers - from coast to coast - for your heartening Christmas messages? They mean so much. I will reply as fast as I can. Let us make this a worthy New Year!
Faithfully yours,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 1/25/51 - "Disciples in Clay"
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