My dear friends,
There must be an autumn jinx on my little column. During my "graveyard shift" I wrote you at some length about the personalities and the problems at our little hotel. But the article wasn't quite finished. In the meantime some disturbing news reached me via the special policeman on duty at night - news of back-door visitors with adulterous intent. I had already reported a suspicious character - to no avail. So that night I sent in my resignation - giving two weeks' notice. Of course I expected my Jewish hotel-owner to implore me to stay, promising to station white-robed angels at every stairway. But he did nothing of the sort. He advertised - and hired a war-veteran, an amputee, who needed just that kind of job. And everybody's happy. This young man serves as night-watchman, too, policing the halls. I still keep in touch with my proteges; my erstwhile employer gave me a generous check; and all things have worked together for good. Now, the final jinx is that my almost-completed column vanished - into thin air. The new job - working in Burrows Bros. book store - has consumed all my time and energy. But next week I promise you a real letter.
It is a shock to read of the passing of dear Mrs. Mabel Ansley Murphy. What a beautiful character! I had so hoped to meet her. But now we know she is released from all suffering. I must close.
With kind regards to all,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 11/23/50 - Recollections of Atlanta
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