My dear friends:
Surprise! Here I is - in de lan' of cotton. And no wonder the darkies could do such singing - in the land of sunshine and velvet breezes. I just arrived at 5 P.M. today, was whisked away by my branch manager and his lovely wife, treated to a fine dinner - of more generous proportions than in the north, and shown to a very nice room in a private home. All this because selling is much more profitable than the job of being nurse-maid to nine roomfuls of antiques, (omitting our room and the kitchen). Besides, I was getting in a rut. It is not an easy decision to make - to leave the best of husbands for six weeks. But I prayed about it; and my teacher in the work told me to leave it in the Lord's hands - and I would be guided. Barrier after barrier fell away. Virgil and the children all gave me the big "Go Ahead" signal. Dr. Phillips, cookless for six weeks, added his blessing. His nephew, a charming "problem child," is invited to Philadelphia for Easter vacation. Everything has worked out beautifully.
My company is the L.J. Ballard Co., of Cleveland, publishers of "How and Why," a Child Mental Development Plan. My manager here, Clarence C. Ruppelt, and his lovely wife are from Pittsburgh. Fine, Christian people. It should be a rich experience. Forgive all the personal element. Next time it will be a real travel letter, with many new things in travel and in historic interest. I am grateful to Almira Lytle and Veda Martin Allison for mentioning the "BY-WAYS" in their Press letters. We like fan mail, don't we, Mr. Walker?
Yours for southern climate and cooking,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 3/23/50 - All About Atlanta
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