"Going north of Salt St. was a little black shoe shop, kept by Squire Young. Then the Haller property and James Daugherty property, now Mrs. Graham's property; then the stone house next to the church, where Dr. J.A. Barker lives. I think Dr. Woodend lived there, or Rev. Hughes. Between that and Washington St., was the Jamison homestead, a large stone house, which stood back from the street within five feet of the railroad wall; a walk extended between a row of trees, down the street and along the street in front of where the Presbyterian Church now stands; were two or three large Balm of Gilead trees, very high, and the boy who could throw a stone over them was considered a hero. Where the fountain stands, the old weigh scales stood; and the Mrs. B.S. Kelly property was owned by James B. Robinson; and next to it, his furniture store. Then came Robert McCrea's Drug Store and house; then the little brick on the corner of the alley, occupied by Andrew Taylor, the baker; across the alley where Dr. Montgomery lives, was a small grocery and next to it a blacksmith shop; then J. and C.S. Moore's store; and the large double house on the corner. Above the church on the hillside, the John Martin property and where N.S. Ames lives; the Walkingshaw property and homestead; the John White property where David Ewing lives; across the street the William McIlwain property; and above that the pasture fields.
On Point St., above the old railroad, on the north side of the street was the Stittsell property; and just above it, where the James Ewing house stands, was a large brick church - the United Presbyterian; then the little house above the Ewing house, occupied by Alex Akeman, the cooper; and just across the street, the old Academy Building, where I finished my education -too soon. Above this point I am lost again on this side of the street, unless it would be the old house, opposite the M.V. Patterson property, then occupied by John Campbell, Esq." ****
This is the end of Mr. Moore's pen picture of Saltsburg - "way back in the 60's." There are many things that I would like to say to you via the column, but the deadline is here. Hastily - but
Florence B. Taylor