(Preface: You remember that, in the December installment, Mr. Moore told about the Indian shows - "with real Indians" - about the old brick church at north end of town - about the old canal basin also at the north end of town - and the various buildings in that vicinity.) He continues: "A high bridge crossed the canal west of the present depot and across the canal was the V. Blank property; at the river bridge, the toll house on the south side of Washington St., below the canal and the old house on the James P. Watson property. Opposite the depot, the old stone house occupied by William McIlwain, was a general store. This is the stone house referred to by the "little Customer" on his first visit to the burg, who saw such wonderful things beyond Hood's hill. (I wonder if that is the stone house where Howard Ansley was born). The house below was the warehouse and stood in the rear of the stone house at that time. Another large warehouse and stable stood between the point and where C. J. Martin's restaurant now stands. Another high bridge crossed the canal here on Point St. where John McPhilimy has his furniture store. There was Stewart, Robinson & Company's General Store, and the place where the canal packets were unloaded - now occupied by T.N. Forbes. Opposite was the Laird property, and above that, next to the canal, a little frame house, occupied at one time, I think, by my friend R.J. Irwin, with his mother and sister. On the site formerly occupied by the Patterson Milling Co. was Major Laird's Flour Mill, and farther out in the river, a large saw mill; under the saw mill was a great place to gig or spear fish; many a fine string of fish I took home from that spot. Joseph Andre was the sawyer, and a good, kind-hearted man he was. In one part of this saw mill they had a shop for turning the great high posts used in those days for making beds. And don't I remember the old mill dam and the swimming hole below the dam! We could dive off that dam and go down so deep that the water was as cold as spring water. But now, alas, there is neither a dam by the mill site, nor a mill by a dam site. On the plot of ground where Joe Serene's house stands was a large tan yard and shop, and only one other house until you cross the alley at the Doughty property. There was one other house, another tan yard, and the Andre property. Where the glass house now stands was a large saw mill, and a bridge crossed the canal at this point.
Now coming back to Washington St.: where the Freet house now stands was an ice house; where Joe McClaran's drug store is now was Portser's carpenter shop; opposite the Freet house was the John Reed and Dr. John McFarland property; the Marshall Tavern; and on Allison's corner, the Redpath General Store. Where A.J. McQuiston now lives was an old house occupied by Alexander Fleming; and at the other end of the lot, where H.L. Weamer has his store, was Fleming's Harness Shop. The Onstott property was occupied by Mrs. McIlwain as a dwelling and general store; across the alley, the building now occupied by Delisi, as a fruit store, was J.S. Robinson's Drug Store; next, a little white frame house, which stood about a foot below the level of the street; where Elmer Goodlin's drug store is, was Hawkin's Tailor Shop; and where my store now stands was a little black school house - where I got my ideas, started to shoot and have been shooting ever since, seldom hitting anything worth while." (He didn't really mean that).
To be continued next week.
Sincerely yours,
"Chame Moore's" copycat, F.B. Taylor
2907 Hampshire Rd., Cleveland Hts., 18 Oh
Next - 2/2/50 - A Pen Picture of Saltsburg in the Sixties (continued) by J.C. Moore
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