I hope you will overlook this brief message for the 'column' - as this has been an unusually hectic week. Next week I will have a feast for you - out of the wealth of material sent to me by Howard Ansley. I am truly indebted to him.
I do not wish to become embroiled in any home town quarrels. But I do feel that since Lloyd Robinson was given some unsavory and unnecessary publicity on Page 1 of our fair paper, he is entitled to some space in his favor on Page 4. I speak as one who has come under the strict ministrations of his duty as a policeman. He gave me a parking ticket the very day that I was guest speaker at the Presbyterian C.W.A. I was chagrinned - but chiefly because of my inability to read signs. I admired him for doing his duty. In this enlightened age we do not resort to medieval tactics in correcting a fault or a misdemeanor (assuming there is one). In the Dark Ages, a woman was sent away on a convict ship for stealing half a loaf of bread for her starving children. Torture of imprisonment, plus the lifelong taint and ignominy, were the means of dealing with miscreants. To me, this means of mental torture and humiliation smacks of the Middle Ages. I have it from Martha's own pen - which never yet has lied - that Lloyd had served his full 75 hours. (his quota for the month) when he walked into a picture show for 15 minutes. That is just one instance. He had always worked more than the hours required of him. I know Lloyd has his faults. But he is honest - and I resent his being called a L-I-A-R. Even if I didn't know him at all, I would consider that Public Notice an unworthy weapon in the hands of a superior officer.
Yours for justice,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 12/1/49 - EARLY HISTORY OF SALTSBURG, by courtesy of Howard Ansley
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