So much to cover in a short column ... Syntax be dashed. No scenery more soul-refreshing that Pa. scenery ... Dianne (aged three) in her pajamas in bed on the back seat of the car, couldn't bear to miss any part of the trip ... The inevitable thrill when one sights McCauley's home along Route 80 - "We're almost there!" ... The dear home on Point Pleasant - with its latch-string always out. All too few familiar faces in the Saturday evening street parade... a scene of peace and quiet Sabbath morning ... the music church bells ... Mayme Whitesell growing gracefully into the cloak of the late Mrs. Simmon Hines, as teacher of the Friendship Class ... Such a nice Nursery Department!
Delightful 4th of July picnic under the trees in the Clyde Lemon back yard, while the rest of the U.S. sizzled (except those in other groves). Contributing and gourmandizing guests: The Merle Deemer's and the Harry Moore's of Apollo. And may they all (except Lillian and Ina) have everlasting indigestion from my rolls, which they lambasted so unmercifully. Two days on the farm near Marion Center with dear old room-mate and classmate, Mary Hopkins Pollock, her fine family, and her cousin, Anna Bruce, of Wilkinsburg - formerly of Indiana ... A grand person. A long term teacher, just retired, she has, like Nannie Nowry, an enchanting way with little folks. Back to Saltsburg in time for the C.W.A. meeting in the Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon. What a feast of music! Our peerless Mary Carson in a Chopin number; Carolyn Franklin (Alice and Jim's daughter) on the French horn in three short numbers - with amazing poise and breath control for a 15-year-old ... accompanied by her talented sister, Harriet. Miss Barbara Ramos, a lovely girl from Hawaii, house guest of the Franklin's, also accompanied by Harriet, thrilled us with several vocal gems. In my humble opinion her voice has operatic quality. She and Harriet are students at the Westminster Choir School at Princeton, N.J. At the special request of the program chairman, Mrs. John Daub, Harriet played a Grieg number - with dash and brilliance. (Sorry now that I made no notes ... was too carried away with pure enjoyment. I am so proud of the C.W.A. and the way the members live up to their name. They ARE church workers faithful to their church and all its responsibilities. The valiant July committee served delicious refreshments under difficult conditions - with the kitchen completely dismantled for repairs.
Clyde and I had a brief visit with Titian Rose and Olive. It is hard to find a book that Titian has not read - through the eyes of his untiring nurse, Mrs. McLaughlin. Friday, a "Stanley" breakfast at Christy Stewart's - luscious doughnuts, fruit juice, and coffee, delightful games; and even the extraction of money was painless in the hands of a skilled salesman. Sabbath morning (as well as Thursday p.m.) Marjorie (Deemer) took care of Dianne and John Wesley so that Ina, Merle and I could enjoy that wonderful service. Barbara Ramos singing Dvorak's "Peace I Give Unto You" and "If With All Your Hearts" from Mendelssohn, with Harriet Franklin as guest organist.
Rev. Nicholson preached a fine, searching sermon on "The Things That Remain." The picnic committee of the Friendship, Berean, and "18" classes is to be congratulated on the fine picnic supper its members set forth for the enjoyment of all present at Stony Batter Monday evening, July 11. LOST - on this trip! 1 heart - to John Wesley Deemer, aged 4 months. He's a darling!
Ever yours,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 8/4/49 - Letter from Howard Ansley
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