Greetings to you at this Holy Season!
I do trust that Mr. Walker will bear with me and the delayed 'column'. It really should be in by Saturday. Our minister, Dr. Phillips, has been ill. He is what his friends call an "impatient patient." A man of amazing industry and ambition, he simply cannot tolerate idleness. Though he has had to keep to his bed for three days, he refuses to be idle. His reference books are all over the bed, and he has worked assiduously on his Palm Sunday sermon. He is determined to preach it, too. I glory in his temper - as long as he doesn't direct it my way. He throws his shoe out the window at a trespassing squirrel, who eats up the cardinals' breakfast. He gets all worked up over dirty politics, and reveals an amazing vocabulary of vituperation. He really is a fighting parson - yet never rude or crude or profane. A man of strong convictions, yet full of love for his fellow man. ***
At this Lenten season we have special reason
To ponder God's world and endear it
To our daily living, our loving, our giving.
And bringing a glow to the spirit.
Above daily strife and the conflicts of life
There's the call of the soul; let me hear it.
Set my heart, Lord, on fire, not with "flames of desire,"
But the warm inner glow of the spirit.
Oh give me a vaster concept of the Master, -
The Way of the Cross - nor yet fear it.
Lord, give me, I pray - not just for today -
But for always - that glow of the spirit.
Most Sincerely,
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 4/28/49 - Three Fluffy Chicks for Dianne from Uncle Virgil
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