Greetings, my friends!
This letter will be little more than a greeting. Old Man Flu has moved in for an extended visit. He tried very hard to bring Virgil Jr. under his magic spell; but the lad has defied him, though he (V.P.) looks a bit groggy. But he (O.M.F.) has Daddy Virgil right where he wants him - in bed - with a lovely array of little bottles - red, green, amber - and a brand new clinical thermometer on a bedside table. You know how men love to stay in bed and be fed little white pills and red cough syrup. Seriously, if folks would go right to bed at the start of a cold or grippe, they would surely get over the attack much sooner. My husband is like his plucky mother, and fights to the last ditch before he gives up. He's better today, thank goodness.***
I am so happy to hear that you readers enjoyed even the brief review of "Chins Up," and that some of you are searching for the book itself. I am sure that Mr. Walker can tell you where to get a copy. Dr. Phillips (our minister and host) borrowed my copy, and has it up in his church study. But I will have the name of the publisher for you next time I write. I understand that Hall's Book Store in Indiana does NOT have it in stock. However, if that wonderful store is like it used to be - back in the "teens" and 20's - the manager will order it for you upon request. Last fall I bought another book for the home town library, "A Guide to Confident Living," by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth avenue, New York. So rich is it in substance for the mind and soul that I have not yet been able to absorb it all. And I have tried to put into practice the lessons as I come to them. I hereby testify that they work! In the October issue of the little magazine called "Your Life" is to be found an inspiring story of Dr. Peale's work. It is written by Sarah Comstock, a gifted writer, who travels many thousands of miles for her material. She found this story in her own back yard. The work that goes on in that great stone church is an amazing story of harnessing psychiatry and religion, to help solve the countless human problems and perplexities. As I interpret it, psychiatry diagnoses the case, but religion cures the 'sickness'. It would seem that the Kingdom of Heaven is not too far off when a highly-trained, successful physician prescribes for his nervous or tense or worried patients, "Go to church at least once a Sunday for three months." If they go to Dr. Peale's church, they will enter into a moment of "creative silence". As my sister learned, 'way back in 1910, at a Christian Endeavor convention (I think it was) - in Texas, you can actually "practice the presence of God." I met Mary in Ohio right after that convention, then went home with her to Austin for a year. I know how that daily communion with Him glorified her whole being. Pardon this personal touch, but it is my testimony that this thing works!
Now, after many interruptions, I must close, and fly to the nearest mailbox. But more next time. In the meantime, my little book, "Chins Up" has come home. The publishers are Grosset & Dunlay of New York.
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 3/31/49 - A Guide to Confident Living
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