Dear friend of mine, the year is new, The human walks with the Divine.
I wish a happy one for you. The earthly life may heavenly be
Whatever lies within its hand, Since Jesus walked on Galilee.
Easy or hard to understand; The path you tread has once been trod
Whether it brings you smiles or tears, By Him who is the Son of God.
Pilling your heart with hopes or fears. Fear not the future; trust it all
May He who marks the sparrow's fall To Him who marks the sparrow's fall
Protect and guide you through it all. Dear friend of mine, the year is new.
Good cheer to you, Oh friend of mine. God grant a blessed one to you.
This New Year's wish is a bit tardy. But a dear Pennsylvania friend sent it to me early in January. It has meant much to me and also to Mother Taylor, with whom she asked me to share it. May it help you, too - very much. I have kept it for "Mailbag" week- the first week of the month. No letters as yet - for publication - from my readers. But I know they'll come by March 1st. Somewhere among my effects is a memento of old school days sent by Mrs. Sam MacCall. I'll find it for the next mailbag. By the way, I would like to have Mrs. MacCall's present address.
Right here may I suggest that you send a card of a note of good wishes to one of Uncle Sam's newest recruits - young Bill Robinson. This idea is my own - and not just because his mother is a good friend of mine. I will remember how much it meant to Virgil, Jr., when many of you wrote to him for his 21st birthday anniversary. And he was then two years older than Billy, who just had a birthday the 12th of this month. Bill represents the Saltsburg of tomorrow, and the way you treat him, and all his contemporaries determines their future attitude toward, not only the home town, but toward life itself. God bless them - every one.
Florence B. Taylor
William McCoy Robinson, S.R., Co. 8-3652256, U.S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill.
Next - 2/10/49 - The Book "CHINS UP!"
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