The Bell tolls the death-knell of Cancer before
His insidious work is begun, -
She sends forth a warning - and germs of disease
Fall in battle, completely outdone.
The Bell sounds a Victory note down the ranks:
A new triumph, A cure, Folks believe
In the Bell that tolls merrily, hopefully, true -
The heart-lifting song of Bell Greve.
When you are about to interview a person who works with dynamic power and unceasing zeal, to help humanity in every possible way, the first question you want to ask is: "What is the great, driving force within you?" Miss Bell Greve answered this question simply and satisfactorily. "When I was a little girl in Sunday School, I wanted to become a missionary. I have never let go of that dream. When the war is over, I expect to go to China." Here was a young woman, living life right up to the hilt, attaining amazing success, dreaming of even greater things to come. There was a great light in her clear brown eyes. "But why China?" I asked. "Because a great man from China asked me to come, and help his people." Miss Greve majored in sociology in college, in preparation for her missionary work. In the course of her field work she came in contact with crippled children. She became especially interested in them. Her mother's illness brought her home to Cleveland. She plunged into the work nearest home - our Home for the Crippled and Disabled. That was ten years ago. She gives great credit to an understanding and far-seeing board of directors, that co-operated fully in bringing about great improvements in physical and occupational therapy for the paralyzed and the crippled.
Later on I will tell you about the building itself - now called the Rehabilitation Center - which sounds much better than the "Home for the Crippled and Disabled," a name that suggests futility. Miss Greve, who is a full-fledged lawyer, has been to Europe four times, has been to New York countless times - and to Mexico - all in the interest of humanity. As I mentioned before, she is Cuyahoga County Health Director, and is at the head of the Woman's Auxiliary for the Control of Cancer. A brilliant mind, a compassionate heart, coupled with great personal charm, gives her entree to those inner sanctorums, where few may enter, but where the reward is rich, in the name of humanity. I am sure Miss Bell Greve believes in the innate equality of man - for there was no discrimination between the humblest worker or beneficiary and the mightiest benefactor. While she was clearing her desk with one hand, she was holding the two-way telephone with the other, putting in a well-fortified plea or request for certain legal concessions for her people. This was in conversation with a prominent judge. I had the audacity to request a few minutes of this woman's priceless time, because I believe that some of my young readers will gather inspiration from this busy, happy, vibrant young woman.
Virgil says that the most helpful thing he learned in his four years of High School was the initial remark of his Math teacher, as he launched them on a year of hard work. "What man hath done, man can do." By the same token, what woman hath done, woman can do. Maybe another young woman will dream a great dream - like our heroine, who for hundreds of people, has taken the "i" out of "grieve."
Florence B. Taylor