April Fool's Day! Anybody get fooled? I played a bad trick on my family. I was supposed to get back to Cleveland yesterday. But all this high romance was too much for me. You see, in the case of the bride and groom, two hearts beat as one. But my heart was beating for all three of us - so afraid was I that the groom would be waylaid, and would not arrive in time for the wedding. As a matter of fact, he arrived five minutes after I sealed my letter to the Saltsburg Press last Saturday. But we galloped right down to the church for rehearsal; and, anyhow, I knew you would not perish from suspense. How I wish I could write you a long, newsy letter this week! But you will have to bear patiently with me until I get back home. Back in the old routine I can be more faithful to my weekly rendezvous with you. It will take me a long time to tell you all about this trip, and the interesting people encountered.
Just for the present, be assured that my lovely niece and her Prince Charming were married in a perfect service and setting last Saturday evening; and, according to Judith's glowing prophecy, they "lived happily ever after." Until next week,
Your delinquent, but well-meaning correspondent,
Florence B. Taylor,
1337 Plainfield Rd.,
So.Euclid, 21, Oh
P.S. Starting home Monday.