A tribute of respect from one whose knowledge and friendship had extended for over the three score and ten years. Mrs. Lytle was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (Hunter) Elrick and was born in Young township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, July 28, 1858; her death occurring after a ten days illness from pneumonia, Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1943, at 2:20 p.m. Since her marriage to Mr. William Calvin Lytle, she had resided in the Conemaugh community, until after the death of Mr. Lytle, when she removed to Saltsburg, Pa. She was a devoted member of the United Presbyterian church, active in all its bodies, and in addition held membership in Saltsburg Chapter, No. 286, order of the Eastern Star, and in the Firemen's and American Legion Auxiliaries. She was one who was greatly loved and admired by all who came in contact with her. She is survived by three sons, Howard R., Selinsgrove, Pa., James R. of Bartow, Fla., and Dr. Ralph M. Lytle of Saltsburg, Pa., seven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, two half brothers, Robert Elrick, of Jeannette, Pa., and Samuel Elrick of Blairsville, Pa., and a half sister, Mrs. Margaret Kinter of Emporia, Kansas.
When talking with Mrs. Lytle, one thing which impressed you after her love for her fellow man, was the intense patriotism which had welled up through the Revolutionary and all other wars; the husband in the War between the States, the son, Dr. Ralph M. Lytle, a Lieutenant in World War I, now the grandsons Major Carl S., Fort Jackson, S.C.; Sgt. Ray C., now under overseas orders, Air Cadets, Curtis and James R. and Lieutenant R. McKay Lytle, at Camp Grant, Ill. Looking on the peaceful countenance of our friend and thinking of those behind her and of the sons and grandchildren present it brought to memory the words:
"Happy he with such a mother, faith in womankind,
Beats with his blood, and trust in all things high
Comes easy to him, and though he trip and fall,
He shall not bind his soul with clay."
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, 2:30, conducted by Rev. D.D. Dodds, D.D., assisted by Rev. C.J.L. Bates, of the Presbyterian church, with interment in "God's Acre" Conemaugh United Presbyterian Cemetery, near which she had spent many happy years of her life. During the services Dr. Dodds read the following tribute from a friend:
To Mother Lytle - by F.B.T.
Dear, tired hands, that carried their full share
Of earthly toil - and yet found time to bear
The cup of solace, or the brimming chalice
Of life's good cheer - without the dregs of malice -
Strong, gentle hands, that soothed as they caressed,
And everyone they touched was truly blessed.
Dear, kindly eyes, that caught the Heaven's blue, -
And mixed with it the gray of twilight's hue;
Brave eyes - once keen - but always true and strong,
And able to distinguish right from wrong.
Love's eyes, that watched her children as they slept;
And all their lives a tireless vigil kept.
Clear eyes, that saw beyond this vale of tears,
And planned a mansion, of eternal years.
Dear, warm heart, that kept its proper place,
And yet had room - and room - of magic space
To house her loved ones - and yet had room to spare
For countless friends who found warm shelter there.
A heart attuned to every S.O.S. -
With quickened beat, to reach those in distress.
Brave, loyal heart that harbored no false pride -
Where only love and mercy could abide.
The precious hands lie quietly in sleep;
The lovely eyes no longer vigil keep.
The pulsing, vibrant heart at last is still, -
For the soul that quickened it has gone to fill
A glorious place in Heaven's own domain,
Where angel hosts sing "Welcome home again!"
Respectfully submitted as a loving tribute to a long time friend. H.F.C.br>
Next - 1/6/44 - The Deaths of Clarence Summers & Francis Moore of Apollo