During these stirring war days there is not an issue of the Saltsburg Press that does not carry a message to arouse one's pride in his home town and community. Saltsburg is never behind, whether it be scrap-collecting, Red Cross sewing and knitting, or raising funds for a worthy cause. What community has given more of its most precious treasure - it's fine, strong, healthy, courageous young men? I learned this past week that there is a certain element in Cleveland that have been rejected for army or navy duty because they are too diseased, from their profligate living. Those shameful creatures should be sentenced to hard labor - preferably in tilling the soil, where the need is desperate this summer. Maybe God's sunshine would cleanse their bodies, and help bring them back to decency. But why am I writing this to you? Perhaps you are my relief valve - for pent-up anger. And then, many of you will do something about it. If the force of public opinion is strong enough, these lewd creatures will not be allowed to escape the rigors of war - nor the condemnation of their fellow-beings. What can we do about it? I am sure the war comes closer to people in a small community. Many of the boys who march away have been known and loved by you since their infancy. You thrill over their promotions and distinguished service. Any tragedy that befalls them becomes your personal grief. You alleviate sorrow by sharing it. ***
Charlie remarked at the dinner table today (apropos the newly-sliced bread), "Too bad so many people invested in bread knives, and bakeries, no doubt, sold or gave away their slicing machines." Yes, there are apt to be foolish moves, and false economies - just because there isn't time to work out a very methodical and concise manner of living. We are all working desperately, to get this war over with as quickly as possible. Those in power must slash red tape, and dash into short-cuts to Victory. If they make mistakes, we must be most tolerant. Oh, I do trust the political barriers are being removed - for the duration. For they become the barriers to a speedy victory. We can't stop to crab about not getting enough butter or coffee or meat. We aren't going to die of starvation. I, for one, have better health since I have had to cut down on coffee and meat. How about you?
There is something thrilling about the way large companies (like the H.J. Heinz Co. of Pittsburgh) spend thousands of dollars for Uncle Sam; the way our gifted musicians, actors, comedians give unstintingly of their talent to help win the war, and bring entertainment to our lonely boys at the outposts of freedom. Our stores here (and I am sure Pittsburgh is the same) spend hundreds of dollars each day paying for advertising space, in which they tell us - not to buy dresses or carpets, but to buy War Bonds, and contribute to the Red Cross. Yes, the great heart of America is expanding, its mind is quickening, and its eyes begin to reach a more distant horizon. If we cannot pour out our life blood on the battlefield and ships as our boys are doing, let us pour the essence of our life stream into the heart of America.
Florence B. Taylor