If this week's column is quite incoherent, you will know that I am too excited to collect my thoughts. Anyway, I'm too full - of Ina's chicken dinner. There! I was told not to use Ina's name in this column. But I'm talking about the chicken. Yes, at last the dream came true - that I should get back to Saltsburg, but, like all sweet dreams, it is much too short. And now, while the others do the dishes, I'll bring forth my usual Sunday excuse - the "column." An acquaintance asked, "Where do you find material for a weekly stint?" The material is there all the time. The trouble comes in finding the time and the charity of mind to assemble that material. May I speak first of the nice worship program Sunday morning in the Junior department of the Presbyterian church - under the leadership of Mrs. Jay Roland. The boys' class took over the worship service, with a litany, a story, well told, and a three-part prayer by three boys, whose sincerity must have pleased the Heavenly Father. I am sure that a worship service, given by the children themselves, brings out a spiritual quality in them that no mere listening can do. Once again the great privilege of listening to Mrs. Simon Hine and her teaching. The lesson was on "The Christian View of Marriage." After it was over, I thought how proud I would be to sanctify my marriage by giving three fine sons into the service of our country, as Mr. and Mrs. Hine have done. "Faith of our Fathers holy faith, we will be true to thee 'til death." Those who are fighting for our country are fighting to preserve that faith. Let us all hold up their hands - to give them the victory.
The sermon by Dr. David Lang was splendid. He drew a fine lesson from his experiences in an airplane on a cloudy, rainy day. As they took off, the sky looked dark and ominous; but as they rose - up and up - into the clear air above that cloud, the self-same cloud looked like a beautiful, shimmering sea. So it is if we rise above our troubles. It all depends on our perspective. ****
This thing of coming to one's home town on Saturday - and going back the next day, is quite tormenting - for I won't get to see one fourth of you. But it's grand to be here - in the atmosphere of friendship and kindliness. I shall carry back the inspiration that you always give. Ina and Clyde and I went through the pouring rain and the fog - to Homer City last night. But at the end of the ride we found a family reunion - of the surviving children of the late "Uncle Billy" Lytle - and their grandchildren, all carrying on bravely in the midst of their great bereavement - the death of Louise Lytle Ruddock, on the 28th of June. Even with her untimely death, she lived to see her daughter, Mildred (now Mrs. Rogers Rankin), grow to lovely womanhood, a gifted pianist and teacher of piano; her older son Andrew was graduated from law school with high honors - just about two weeks before her death. Her younger son - now studying for the ministry - preached his first sermon two weeks ago. One of the bright gems of this brief visit was the meeting and communion with my childhood chum, Almira Lytle - home from Washington, D.C.
Now, I must close, and roll back home - with Merle, in his nice car. But I shall be turning my thoughts in this direction - with gratitude for the hospitality, and the love that binds me to you.
Florence B. Taylor
Next - 11/12/42 - Women in the War