Christmas greetings to you all, I have been working on a column for this coming week. But I see by the Press that all material must be in a day early. So there is only time and space for a Christmas greeting. I can't say "Merry Christmas" - for so many of your sons and sweethearts are away from home. And we can't forget the terrible suffering in the war-torn world. This is not much like the first Christmas in the peaceful little town of Bethlehem. But let us not forget that the Prince of Peace took a weapon and drove the money changers out of the temple. Let us dedicate our lives, our talents, our all, to help make this a world in which the Spirit of Christmas may really abide with us.
I'm going home Christmas Eve. Something tells me it's going to be a wonderful Christmas.
With the best of good wishes,
Florence B. Taylor
Next -1/8/42 - Mrs. Harriman meets King Haakon of Norway