"This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines
and the hemlocks," -
The beeches, the red oaks, the maples, the
carpet of moss on its bosom;
The canyon - not rocky nor bare - but with
underbrush, vines and tall pine trees. -
The river - Grand River - so far in the depths
of the canyon, 'tis hidden
From timorous tender-foot. Only the hardy
may see it and drink
Of its crystal-clear waters - as pure, undefiled
as the forest itself.
Here's a mound - just a small one - but yonder -
within the clear sound of the waterfall.
Safe in the depths of the forest, is the tomb
of the Indian chieftain -
The mighty - let's say - Kalapootchie, with
Indian signs pointing toward it -
An arrow sign cut in the beech-bark, and
pointing to Chief's mausoleum. -
And there, in the forest primeval, with
whispering pines and the river's
Soft laughter, to soothe his brave spirit,
lies, under a blanket of needles,
(Pine needles) the once mighty warrior -
let's say - Kalapootchie.
Next -10/16/41 - More of the Landlord - Eldoras T