****The robins work so hard to build their nest.
No time to sing - for they must do their best;
With nervous darts, they scold, and fret, and fuss -
And when they're through, their nest is in a muss.
The orioles are nonchalant, and take
Their good old time at building, while they sing
A lilting song between each load.
Behold A masterpiece! Their nest's a lovely thing
Perhaps, if we fond parents fretted less
And stopped to look at trees and Heaven's dome
And sang a bit, we'd find serenity
That somehow builds a neater, sweeter home.
Florence Burlingame Taylor
My Dear Home Folks:
I must break the long silence to send my little word of tribute to my former and beloved pastor, now deceased, Rev. W.E.M. Copeland. When I opened my Saltsburg Press Friday noon, it was really a shock to see his name at the head of the death list. It doesn't seem possible that the voice of that consecrated servant of God is stilled. He was a great preacher. His sermons went deeper into my heart than any others. When he and his lovely wife came to Conemaugh (and, of course, Saltsburg) they were so young and full of zeal for God's work. The good one never dies. Surely, every Sabbath, Rev. Copeland planted some good seeds in our hearts that took root and brought forth good fruit. His sermon on "The Second Mile" ("When a man asks thee to walk a mile with him, go with him twain") influenced my whole future conduct. I am deeply indebted to him for the valuable lessons in Christian living - and I'm glad I told him so while he lived. Our sympathy goes out to his wife and children. Think of the hundreds who mourn his passing! Truly he hears the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
Florence B. Taylor
Cleveland, Ohio