7/20/39 - Follow the Leader - Christian Endeavor Convention
Today I must gather - hastily - a few hyacinths, before the last mail carries them to Saltsburg. Cousin Ina and I found a whole garden of them - last Sunday evening, as we attended a session of the great Christian Endeavor convention which met in Cleveland last week. Because of the intense heat we didn't go down to the convention until Sunday evening, but in that one session we received enough inspiration to carry us through many days. That inspiration came from the address of a Pittsburgh minister - youthful looking Louis J. Evans, of the Third Presbyterian Church. Dr. Evans took charge of that great audience that was worn and frazzled with the heat and with an interminable address just preceding his - and electrified them with his dynamic enthusiasm about Jesus Christ. There were thousands of young people in that audience, earnestly seeking the Way; Dr. Evans lost no time in proving to them that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Other great leaders - Mohammed, and Confucius - prepared creeds, ethics, and statecraft; but they had to die and leave it all. Jesus was the only one who could say, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." The statement that Jesus ascended into Heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God is not to be thought of in a geographic sense, but a wholly spiritual thing - partnership with God, and fellowship with man. Dr. Evans repeated, "Christianity is not a 'movement,' it is a fellowship." Life here is a constant challenge to our Christian faith and devotion to ideals. The appalling statistics were given - that three times as many girls are working in "beer joints," liquor bars, etc., as are to be found in colleges today."
The world is in a turmoil today, but one's own personal life need not be. The rule is simple: just follow the leader. Let Christ be the Captain of your life, and use you to hasten the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Dr. Evans caught the interest of the young people at the very outset by his opening remarks. There were two experiences in his life that scared him to death: The thought of proposing to the girl of his choice; and getting up to talk to young people. He went on to say that "Courtship is that experience in a young man's life when he pursues the girl of his choice until she finally catches him." In his own romance he found himself completely tongue-tied; but the "girl" - bless her heart - got the meaning. As to young people, he realizes his tremendous responsibility as a speaker - swaying their minds, one way or the other.
Now I must close - all too soon. Never again shall I leave my promised letter until the deadline which is Sunday in this case. Too many unexpected callers and interruptions. Don't forget about our column for first week in August, "The Mailbag." Let us have testimonials on your religious experience this summer; a wonderful convention like this must have been; a trip to Chautauqua; a gem of thought that came your way. "Let your light shine before men."
Faithfully yours,
Florence B. Taylor,
4501 Lilac Road, South Euclid, Ohio.