My Dear Friends: I hope I am not too late for this week's Press. Saturday and Sunday were completely full days; and now it is Monday morning - the beginning of Holy Week - a week that always makes me sad, not only in contemplation of Jesus' sorrow, humiliation, and supreme sacrifice but because the world seems farther removed than ever from the Kingdom of love and peace that Jesus set up. We are now at the crossroads. Is Europe to be crushed under the heel of two or three dictators? Can man no longer even worship as his heart dictates? What an apathetic world - to allow this tyranny to spread! It isn't enough to pray for peace; action is needed. The concerted action of all nations could stop Hitler tomorrow - and no bloodshed, either.
What of our own inner conquests this Easter week? It isn't enough, is it, to contemplate the wonder of God's love and Jesus on the cross - dying in torture, that we might live. It isn't enough to praise and glorify His name. It is a time to study the architecture of our character; tear down faulty construction, and build anew. Good Friday would be the perfect day to search our own hearts - and let die within us every hate toward a brother, every bit of envy or malice, or unworthy ambition. If you are not on speaking terms with your neighbor, then you are not a Christian. God is Love and it is simply impossible to love God and hate your neighbor. It is not enough to go to church and fulfill, in every detail, the letter of the law. Jesus taught - and proved - that it is the spirit of the law that counts.
On the anniversary of that glorious resurrection morn let us resurrect new ideals for ourselves, fresh courage, new purpose - a deeper faith. By keeping in our minds an awareness of God's presence, we can do much to hasten the Kingdom of God on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you; and if you will, you can let the light of that Kingdom shine all around you.
It is mail time and I must close. Whatever I have said, I take upon myself, too. And may we reconsecrate our lives to the one who died for us.
Faithfully yours,
Florence B. Taylor
Next -5/39 - Our Neighbors